About En Brogue

Hannah Rochell wearing BOTTLETOP and vintage

En Brogue is a blog that focuses on slow comfortable style, written by me: freelance writer and sustainable fashion journalist Hannah Rochell. What started as a blog dedicated to flat shoes has now branched out into a sustainable fashion and lifestyle website, always with comfort and practicality it its heart.

I am a former fashion editor at titles including The Evening Standard, The Times, ES Magazine and InStyle. I NEVER wears heels, mainly because I find them terribly uncomfortable, but also because I have a bad back and I also just don’t like the heels aesthetic. I don’t think that wearing flats has any impact on whether or not you look stylish, so long as you choose the right shoes.

I’ve spent the last few years writing content for sustainable fashion brands and platforms and what I’ve learnt has been life changing. I gave up shopping for a year, and although I offer shopping inspiration on this blog, I now only feature links to brands that have excellent ethical and sustainable practices.

My books En Brogue: Love Fashion. Love Shoes. Hate Heels and The Trainers Guide are available now from Waterstones and all good book stores. En Brogue has been featured on BBC Radio 4, ITV’s This Morning, and in The Daily Telegraph, The Evening Standard, The Times, Grazia, InStyle, Red Magazine, Marie Claire, Stylist, Look, Elle, The Guardian and The Observer. The watercolour illustrations in my books are also painted by me. En Brogue is a registered trademark. 

Contact me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or at enbrogue@gmail.com

Disclaimer: All content that appears on En Brogue uses brands and products I genuinely like and photographs taken by me unless credited otherwise. Occasionally I will be gifted a product for review but I will only write about it if I love the product and it fits with the En Brogue mantra of style AND comfort. Sometimes En Brogue uses affiliate links which means if you click on a link from an affiliate site site, I might make commission from your purchase. All affiliate links are individually marked [AD]. Any paid for posts or promoted giveaways are always clearly marked as such. 


  1. Hello I wonder if you are able to offer any advice. You along with other bloggers extols the virtues of Grensons. So I looked and fell in love with their Becky ankle boots. They arrived and never have I put anything more uncomfortable on my feet. I wondered if you have to “wear them in” but no I saw an interview with a woman from the company saying they should be comfortable from the off. So I’m bewildered. Have you ever had a similar experience? Best wishes Maureen

    • Hi Maureen,
      I don’t have this particular style so hard for me to comment, but all the styles I do have are indeed very comfortable. I think some of the more “formal” styles (so the ones that don’t have a rubber sole) do take a bit more time to wear in but I’m sure they will! Top tip: try warming them up with a hairdryer, then wear them around the house with thick socks. This should soften the leather and speed up the road to comfort!

  2. Thank you! Love your blog and will be buying the book for my daughter’s stocking best wishes Maureen

  3. Hi, Hannah. I just finished reading your book. It’s great fun — lots of info and sweet illustrations. One question for you: have you ever tried Tieks ballet flats? If so, what do you think of them? Thanks very much!


  4. Hi Hannah, love the blog and your Instagram feed – you’re a girl after my own heel-hating heart! 🙂 I’d love to buy the likes of Grenson and Penelope Chilvers and Jemima Vine but having the annoying predicament of feet that are 2 sizes different (7 & 5 – the bane of my life grr) I generally have to avoid the more expensive brands as buying 2 pairs would be very pricey! Do you know of any fabulous brands like these that offer concessions for needing two sizes (well aware it’s a long shot !) Your book is definitely on my must buy list! X

    • Hi Rachael! Glad you like the blog. Your problem isn’t one of heard of before – that must be so annoying! But I will do some investigating and see if anyone caters for you…

  5. I love the shoes you feature on your blog eg the Taylor Palm T-Bar & the Solovair Tassel loafers, and quite a few of the Ronnie Northampton shoes – but my problem is always that the shoes are never in my size! I’m currently wearing a pair of men’s size 42.5 (which is a 9 or 9.5 in British sizing) from Russell & Bromley which are great, (check out their Keeble range) – they do look like women’s shoes, and I wear them with wide leg trousers and they suit me well – but when I look for girly sandals for summer, I’m really stuck! Does anyone else have this problem? Please let me know if you’re in the same boat by doing my survey on my facebook group – thanks – it’s Shoes by Dilys, https://www.facebook.com/groups/shoesbydilys/

  6. I agree with Dilys. I keep pressing the ‘buy me here’ button and they are never more than a size 8 🙁
    Anything for size 9/43?

  7. Love love love your Instagram feed! Wondered if you knew of any companies that do shoes that can be worn with orthotics (or have removable insoles as standard). I’ve just started wearing orthotics and have spent HOURS looking for things but to no avail 🙁 any advice would be mega!

    • A late reply to this comment I’m aftraid. Ecco and Geox are two brands that sell shoes with removable insoles that can be replaced with your orthotics. If you wear insoles for over pronation Birkenstocks have inbuilt support and are brilliant for the summer.

  8. Hi Hannah! I just discovered your blog and love it! Thank you! I wonder if you could write ab bit about your style icons and what you like about how they dressed (yes, the male icons as well as the female!).

    • Hi Jude! Thanks so much for the kind words. I’d love to write this! They’re basically all male. Leave it with me – I’m away at Paris fashion week at the mo but when I get back I’m on it!!

  9. Whoo-hoo! Thanks so much, Hannah! I’m so looking forward to reading it! By the way, I bought your books and am looking forward to seeing the styling! Would you please post some (more) full outfits? I know you’re probably not keen to take too many photos of yourself, but I love seeing how full outfits work together! I usually do OK with shoes, socks and trousers, but then lose steam as I progress upwards! 😛

    • Yes I’m trying to do more of that – just cutting my face out where possible – I hate having my picture taken! There’s a bit more on my Instagram account @enbrogue as I have to do it over fashion week for work. Thanks for your support!!

  10. So very good that ‘no heels’ is gaining momentum. Good work, Hannah! The difficulty I have is finding fashionable footwear in wide fittings, especially when dressed up. I need comfort (don’t we all?) as live in London and walk wherever I can so don’t always want to wear trainers / carry shoes with me, and refuse any more to be hobbled!
    Have found some ok boots in Clarks / Hotter but fairly tame…
    Am seriously fed up seeing most magazine styling dependent on towering heels and being over 5’9!

  11. Hi Hannah,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog En Brogue has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 75 Shoe Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 75 Shoe Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  12. Yesterday i saw a japanese woman wearing the most lovely shoes.the company is called sou sou.the shoes are hand made and they ship abroad.worth a look.

  13. Hello Hannah

    I’m in desperate need of help with brands that do fancy flats suitable for a winter wedding. I’ve not got the dress yet but it’s likely to be short and patterned or brightly coloured. But happy to also be wearing colourful shoes – want to steer clear of black.I love Rogue Matilda but don’t want to wear lace ups. I’d love something in velvet but not essential! Thanks!

    • Me neither – Alex from The Frugality had a similar pair last year so I snapped these up when I saw them this year! Honestly, they are some of the most flattering flats I’ve ever worn. Hope you like them!

  14. Hi, I follow your blog and I’m all about being responsible with buying stuff. I have been looking for a new pair of shoes since my wide feet were hit with bunions and they have gotten worse after turning 40. I’ve been looking online for a wide pair that accommodates feet with bunions but nothing out there! Do you know of any stylish wide trainers/slip on shoes? I’d be eternally grateful! Thank you.

    • I’ve heard that Saucony are great for wider feet! They’re not a sustainable brand but getting a pair of comfy shoes you’ll wear and keep is a more sustainable way of doing it than never wearing a pair that pinch!

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